Teddy Breed Standard

Standard of points

Update January 2011
Head, Eyes & Ears Head to be short and broad, with a gently curving profile. 20
Muzzle to be of good width and rounded at the nostrils.
Eyes to be large, bright and bold and set with good width between.
Ears to be large and drooping, with lower rim parallel to the ground & set with good width between.
Body Shape To have short, cobby body; thick-set, with good width across shoulders. 15
To be fit and of good substance, with plenty of firm flesh covering shoulders.
To have good size appropriate to age.
Coat Appearance To have a short, raised coat of even length, with a definite lie from the rump towards the head. There should be a visible fringe (‘cap’) due to the forward orientation of the coat. 30
To appear dense and even all over the body, with no areas of flatness.
Guard hairs to be removed. Coat on the belly to be well-covered.
Coat length to be no more than 1.2 cm (0.5 inches) in length, with a shorter length preferable.
Coat Feel 35
of which
Density To have thick, dense coat all over the body. (15)
Bounciness To have a bouncy feel when brushed with the hand. (10)
Texture To To be plush but slightly harsh to the touch. (10)
To be clean and free from grease.

Description of colours

The following notes define the main colour groups recommended as the basis for division of Teddy classes at shows.

Teddy Solid Colour

A cavy that is totally of a single solid colour. White Teddies that show colouring of hair on nose and feet similar to the Points on a Himalayan should be shown as AOC.

Teddy Agouti/Agouti Bicolour

A cavy that is either of completely agouti colouration or that has a combination of agouti and one other colour.

Teddy Tricolour

A cavy that is a combination of white and any two other solid or agouti colours.

Teddy Bicolour

A cavy that is a combination of any two solid colours, one of which is usually white.

Teddy Roan

A cavy having roan colouration on at least part of the body.

Teddy AOC

Any other Teddy cavy that does not conform to the above categories.

Guidance notes

The Teddy is a short-coated cavy with a rexoid-type coat that should appear raised from the body, lying with orientation from the rump towards the head. This should be particularly evident when the coat is gently brushed forward.

The forward lie of the coat should form a short fringe, or cap, on the head of the cavy.

The coat should be dense and even all over the body.

The coat should be plush but with a touch of harshness, having a bouncy feel when brushed with the palm of the hand.

The Teddy may be shown in any colour or combination of colours.

No points are awarded for colour or coat markings, although these may be used to divide Teddy classes at shows.

Specific disqualifications

  • Rosettes, partial rosettes

Specific faults

  • Extreme tendency for parting in centre of back
  • Coat length over 1.2cm (half an inch)
  • Flatness anywhere on body
  • Presence of guard hairs


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